
A foglalás lemondása vagy módosítása a kapott időpont előtt több, mint 1 órával ingyenes. Az 1 órán belüli lemondások, vagy meg nem jelenések esetén a kezelések árának 100%-át páciensünk köteles megfizetni.
Kérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy minden esetben az elvégzett vizsgálatok árát kell megfizetni, amely eltérhet a foglalásban szereplő összegtől. A vizsgálatok pontos költségeit az árlistában találja.

Outpatient ambulatory surgery
Outpatient ambulatory surgery

Weekend supplement +6000 HUF

Medical consultation in English +15000 Ft

Medical Aesthetics
Medical Aesthetics

Botulinum toxin treatments

Hyaluronic Acid Treatments

Threading (Fine thread lifting)

We can personalize thread packages for each of our Patients during a personal consultation, depending on which type of threads suit the harmony of the face!



In case you prefer to have your examination with an English speaking doctor, we charge an additional fee of 9 000 HUF

Included to the basic examination:

Consultation evaluation

Prescription inscription

Evaluation and advice

Impedance measurement (Tympanometry and Strapedius reflex test)

Endoscopic examination (larynx, paranasal sinuses)

Ear washing

Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses

Nasal bleeding relief:

With electrocauter (incineration)

With a swab

Anknown tissue removal

Auditory canal treatment

Not included to the basic examination:

English language report issuance

Hair diagnostics
Hair diagnostics

Laser hair therapy is connected to hair diagnosis. One therapy consists of 10 sessions.

Our therapy is most effective when combined with proper home hair care, which our hair specialist has put together and is available for purchase at our clinic.

Laser hair treatments
Laser hair treatments

Laser hair therapy is connected to hair diagnosis. One therapy consists of 10 sessions.

Our therapy is most effective when combined with proper home hair care, which our hair specialist has put together and is available for purchase at our clinic.


Basic gynaecological examinations:

Teenager clinic (from 16 to 18 years old, with parental supervision!)

Combination with other tests, such as HPV, STD testing

The following examinations are available together with the general examination (28000 HUF):